Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Allergies to tanning lotion all of a sudden - what ingredient?

Seems as if what I thought was a pretty lengthy skin allergy to one specific lotion "came back" whenever I tried any other lotions (even ones I used before!). The skin allergy - or rash - was unidentifiable by my doctor. It lasted about 3 weeks - if not longer - and consisted of small reddish bumps and just plain chronic itchiness everywhere else (inner thighs especially and chest/neck). I was put on steroids for a week and it took a little over that time of 7 days to even begin to notice the rash and itchiness disappear. Of course, I've been smart and haven't even attempted lotions all over my body since. I've tried not even a handful and put them on SMALL spots just to test it out ...and that itchiness comes back.

It seems as if all of a sudden I developed this allergy to something in tanning lotions. Any ideas of what that ingredient may be? Or why at the age of 23 it suddenly decided to show up??

Allergies to tanning lotion all of a sudden - what ingredient?
My dad has the same problem and he is in his 60's and I want to say it started in his late 50's. Figure that.

There is a specific ingredient that you are allergic too but I forget what it is....hopefully someone will know. It might be the PBA's???

I think now he uses Neutrogena that doesn't have that in it.

Only a little helpful I know...hopefully someone can add more....

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