Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Does anyone with food allergies get itchy skin on the undersides of arms and legs? What is your allergy?

Homeopathic treatment for Itching and Allergy:-

SULFUR 30C will treat all kinds of itching due to allergic reaction to anything. Take it thrice a day half hour before meals and stop as soon as you feel the itch is gone.Stop.

Take Care and God Bless you !

Does anyone with food allergies get itchy skin on the undersides of arms and legs? What is your allergy?
Allergies are usually seen as itches and discoloration to upset in the organs function. Its something very specific case to case so you must get a test on yourself for correct diagnosis
Reply:im not allergic to food but i am alergic to meatle and yes and my skin turns green where ever the metal tuched
Reply:You may not even have a food allergy. You could be allergic to your laundry detergent.
Reply:well when i eat some foods i get hives and my skin itches like that so you might have hives.
Reply:It oculd be food allergy but it could also be a reaciton to laundry detergent or fabric softener. We have a lot of trouble with that in the family. The spots affected are the same - where sweat accumulates in the body folds -armpits,elbows, knees etc.

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