Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What allergies does a skin prick test for?

All different kinds

www.naet.com That technique cured my kids' allergies

What allergies does a skin prick test for?
depends on what they skin prick you with, but there are at least 300 possibilities
Reply:Just about everything from outside allergens to food. After the test they make a allergy serum to give to give to you to make you immune to the allergen.
Reply:All the pollens, mold, cat, dog, dust mites and some foods. They cannot test for food colorings, the last I knew.
Reply:www.gseradicator.com has hair analysis with 381 allergens. They also supply homeopathic remedies. While you are their, learn about Geopathic Stress.
Reply:After the doctor (allergist) examines you and you discuss your current symptoms, he/she will test you for the pollens, molds, dust, etc. that they feel you may show a reaction to. If a skin test with a needle is used, if a wheal appears (similar to a mosquito bite) you are showing a reaction to that particular pollen, mold, etc. Also, for me it was extremely itchy when a reaction showed.
Reply:It depends on what the doctor has available, but usually normal allergens, molds, grasses, etc...

umbrella tree

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